the “Barhaus” & the Flavour Matches

They are merchandise product design for A Bar With Shapes For A Name, one of the World's 50 Best Bar located in East London.

* Collaborated with Yiying Wu.

001. the “Barhaus”

Barhaus, a portable bar with the essence of Bauhaus. Inspired by: 

- The bar’s three spaces flowing from the laboratory to the classroom, then to the showroom, reflecting the Bauhaus curriculum set by Gropius—experimenting, apprenticing, and constructing. 
- Herbert Bayer’s words, ‘Art of the future would go out into the street, to the people, into the environment.’ 
- The shapes of traditional beer crates, milk boxes, and toolboxes.

©️a bar with shapes for a name

002. the Flavour Matches

The matches are all about flavour, inside and out. The packaging will showcase the bar‘s publicly shared signature cocktail recipes, while the aroma of the matches will reflect the associated flavours.

©️ a bar with shapes for a name