Polyphony of Forms 流动的复调

FRAW is a select shop exclusively for women in Shanghai. I provide guidance and insights on editorial direction and content development. 

In the project Polyphony of Forms, I was tasked with conceptualising the exhibition, determining its theme, and crafting copy for both social media and printed materials. Additionally, I conducted interviews with the four artists featured in the exhibition, exploring their creative processes and personal experiences as women. Subsequently, I developed these interviews into a special editorial series.

Concept, copywriting, photography, interview and social media content by me.

这是 FRAW 策划的第一场展览。FRAW 从女性身上获得启迪,也提供为女性设计的产品。我们在购物袋上所写的“STRONG WOMEN NEED STRONG CLOTHES”唤起了许多人的共鸣,但因此也有人发出疑问,何为 STRONG WOMEN?

我们邀请了两位驻居上海,及两位分别来自英国东萨塞克斯和日本大阪的女性艺术家,以并不乏见的材料与工艺,塑造具象的“形”与抽象的情感及记忆。织物捕捉的空气、停留在面料之上的光、宣纸上的岩石与云……流动是这些作品的共性,在东方与西方之间,在经纱与纬纱之交,在看得见与看不见之际,在线与形之上,又在形与空间之内。这些作品使用不同的媒介,流动向不同的终点,但又彼此牵引。我们相信,她们与她们的创作,便是我们对于“何为 STRONG WOMEN”的回答。


Read the Features

流动的复调 1F |  在宣纸的约束里,想象生长的形态
流动的复调 2F | 每一面都是正面的织物
流动的复调 3F | 只做巴掌大的“小人物”雕塑
流动的复调 4F | 用绞缬捕捉转瞬即逝的空气与泡沫

My photography for the exhibition